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Our Puppies are more than Pets...

                   They are Precious Pampered Companions!

Don't forget to check out our adult Chihuahuas & Chi Tzus on the Available Adults page just click the tab below...

Available Adults 


Rocky, fawn Chihuahua/Maltese cross

full on energy, prances so proud.

available for $250.00

Chih Tzu Puppies

Chihuahua & Shih Tzu cross girls

born 9-06-12


Angelina on left, Joclynn on right

these 2 sisters are a pair to stay together

They play well together, sleep together and love to snuggle.

Angelina grooming on Joclynn


These girls are so social. They have been to several Girl Scout functions and festivals.

They love everyone.

The pair are available for $350.00





May it be said that your goal in life is to be as good of a person as your dog already thinks you are.